Saturday, November 20, 2010

Down 5 lbs!!

So far I've lost 5 lbs which is GREAT!! I haven't done any cardio exercise, so I think that's pretty good. This week I think I'll do 30 minutes of walking in the evening. I like to walk on my treadmill. I'll start by doing 3 days a week. As far as the food goes, it;s not been too bad with the food prep. I use my Foreman grill for my chicken, and bacon. I broil my fish and eat everything else raw. I'm not one to slave over a stove for hours on end. I like being able to chose from many items on the food lists, and have come up with some funny combinations. I'll post pictures tomorrow. From now on Sunday will be my picture day.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Let's get the party started!!

I've been fighting a losing battle with my weight for 2 years now and I'm ready for the madness to stop. After the birth of my 6th child, it seems like my body has changed. I nursed my daughter for a whole year. That DID NOT help me to lose any weight. As a matter of fact, it seemed like my body was trying to HOLD ON to all the weight I had gained during my pregnancy. Anyway, now my daughter is 3 and I'm ready to get SERIOUS about making some changes in my diet, and I AM going to lose this weight. At 5'5" and 203 lbs, I am not happy. I've never struggled with my weight before, so this is very frustrating for me.

I've tried weight Watchers, low-carb, low-fat, and starvation. Needless to say, none of the afore mentioned helped. Well yesterday I decided to give this new diet that I found online a try. It's called Beyond Calories. I did some research on line and from what I've read, it's got some rave reviews. I'm not sure if it will work for me, but I figured I'd give it a shot. It promises that if a person follows the diet properly, there should be a 9 lb weight loss in 11 days. Soooo, I've marked my calendar for Novembr 24th. I should be nine pounds lighter by then. We shall see.

The way the diet works is that you eat 6X a day. There are no fancy meals to prepare which is right up my alley since I HATE to cook. Also, you can eat normal foods. Most stuff most people probably already have on hand. Lots of fruits and vegetables, fish, lunch meat, diet soda, water, eggs, and tea. The diet requires that you space your meals evenly. I've got my schedule to eat at 7am, 9am, 12 pm, 3pm, 5pm, and 7pm. After 7 I'm gonna stop eating and if I get hungry, I'll just drink my favorite......... Dunkin' Donuts coffee! :) You're allowed to drink any beverage you want, as often as you like, as long as it's less than 10 calories per serving.

I went grocery shopping this morning at my favorite produce market and spent about $100 stocking up for the next two weeks. I'll be posting pictures of myself everyday to mark my progress. I will NOT weigh in until the 24th. Anyone else out there try this diet? Tell me what your experiences have been!